Anna Svensdotter


Anna Svensdotter, flutes/live electronics
Fredrik Olofsson, live video

Images and sounds are multiplied, weaved together and changed in an artistic recycling system. The cycle contains wave lengths, loops, flutes, projections, air, pixels, turbulense, compositions, improvisations, fragments, memory cards etc. etc.

The audience has to recycle as well as the ensemble. What’s left over is saved and re-used for the next concert, and the next, and the next...

Anna Svensdotter and Fredrik Olofsson formed the duo Kretslopp (Recycle) when asked to play at the festival nu;flute in Göteborg 2009. Composed music was used as a complement and contrast to improvisations and video projections.
Together they have developed soft- and hardware for effects and remote control, both for sound and images.

Listen to Kretslopp here:

www.myspace.som/atervinning >>

Photo: Fredrik Olofsson